Digital Currency IS the FUTURE!:

Please visit our FB pages (for all of our companies) as well. We try to post on as many Social Media channels, so as to share as much as possible with as many shareholders as possible. Most of the FAQ’s are answered , and those that I receive in my emails, I address as soon as possible. Here, I’ll address a few as well. First of all, Crypto and NFT’s are now in the process of being «highly» regulated, so there are many «programming» and other issues that were created, and my team is constantly addressing those requirements. Second, since SEC and FINRA now considers Crypto and NFT’s as «securities», the compliance is different than any other offering and/or LVM’s , trades and stocks . We have several systems, where we can distribute tokens direct to client and shareholders. So, being «first» of its kind is both exciting and great, and also full of «new» and «undiscovered» challenges. So, once we get this system «perfected» , we will do the same for all of our companies. Digital Currency IS the FUTURE! I will post an additional PR for tomorrow , as my programmers adding more venues and functions to our software.