Award Record Date

This is the new PR and updates for this morning. NFT’s, Award Record Date and Shareholders Updates. 5 Diciembre, 2021, – Las Vegas Metaverse. Today, the company and its management are happy to update its shareholders on new developments: Awarding B$D tokens to all its shareholders on a 1 to 1 ratio, and a record date of September 30th, 2021. The company’s software development team completed “mining” over 1 billion LVM tokens (Las Vegas Metaverse). The new brand, “Las Vegas Metaverse”, are mined and developed using “green technology”, so unlike the popular B-t coin and several others, increased the company’s assets and added additional currency, while not hurting the environment. Most Broker Dealers, clearing houses, Market Makers and other trading platforms usually use DRS or DWAC, so BDGR to have both platforms makes things easier and more accessible for our shareholders and our service providers. Our program and development for this system has not been an easy one, being first of its kind never is. However, as the management and our software designers establish the system and “the digital protocol”, we can then implement and use it beyond this first dividend and continue to reward our shareholders on an ongoing basis.” Stated Edward Vakser CEO, founder, and a business plan architect.To recap, recently the company announced the following: Recently, ProTek Capital Inc., Acquired Black Dragon Resource Companies Inc., (BDGR). BDGR was acquired for the purpose of becoming an incubator for various forms of digital currencies, Blockchain codes/programming and NFT’s backed by a solid asset and inventories. BDGR is ready to publish the much-anticipated NFT’s and issue BlackDraco (B$D) digital coins (tokens) as an additional “bonus” to both groups of shareholders at BDGR and PRPM. “Our companies want to stay current with the recent trends and business developments in crypto currencies, tokens, and NFT’s. The day-to-day business and related activities will be greatly enhanced by each company having access to its own digital currency, and able to process it along with all the other “block chain” based crypto currencies and tokens. We are integrating different sets of software and secured processing in order to enhance our abilities to take in payments, distribute payments and accommodate third party processing for others as an additional revenue generator for our companies. In the recent past, our group of investors who are associated with several publicly trading companies were able to combine and “share” several software packages and “Enterprise Solutions” among all the companies under its management. This is the most economical way for our team to develop the software and then share it among 7 publicly trading companies that we manage!” Explained Edward Vakser, Founder and business plan architect for the companies To achieve these goals and distribution, the company and its attorneys will be filing an S1 for the registration. Simultaneously, the company will file a corporate action request with FINRA. This and other corporate actions planned, should enhance, and propel the company during the upcoming fall season. DISCLAIMER: by the CEO I am not an attorney, CPA or a money manager/financial consultant. I and the company do have several attorneys and CPA’s as well as consultants working on all these new issues and new technologies. It is extremely important to understand that this genre of investments and technologies represent a wide and unknown field. And while we are working with regulatory agencies’ such as FINRA, SEC and others, as well as service providers such as Transfer Agents, OTC Markets and associated attorneys and CPA’s, we will only execute and work within guidelines, rules, and regulations by SEC, FINRA, DTCC and all other regulatory agencies. However, although we designed and originated these “rewards” via dividends to reward our PRPM and BDGR shareholders, we still want you to be cautious, incredibly careful and do your own due diligence and research before you make any decisions. For this reason, I structured this deal to be “backed” by real assets, and NOT just “digital” NFT’s. So, we can enhance and control the “backing” financial support to build on a real value. However, we do not know what changes FINRA and/or SEC may suggest or add. We are filing S1 registration, for which comments and/or amendments may change and/or alter dates, times and possibly add or require other unknown developments. About BDGR: Black Dragon Resource Corporation Inc., just as the name implies, has a full menu of products, software, and services to establish itself as a potential marketing leader starting 2021-2022 season. Backed by real original ART appraised at over $ 20 million Dollars, the management assembled programmers, marketing, and design professionals to Re Brand and Re design everything about Black Dragon, its products, and services. The company anticipates a slow but steady change-over, transition and upgrades to its Corporate profile pages, Social Media, website and overall “look and feel” Branding of the company. Thank you, The Management, BLACK DRAGON RESOURCE COMPANY INC. (BDGR)