Discord and Instagram Launched

The importance of social networks in marketing

According to a Hubspot study, 73% of marketers consider that social media marketing strategies are essential to maintain a closer interaction with customers, potential customers and their buyer person.

On the one hand, it is worth noting the potential of social networks for branding. In fact, more than 40% of digital consumers use social media to research new brands or products. This makes Discord, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp or LinkedIn, among others, the ideal place to improve your image, work on your reputation and confirm your brand’s authority by publishing frequent and quality content that reflects your identity. and build a relationship of trust with users.

On the other hand, the more quality content, the more likely your potential customers will visit your networks. In fact, 90% of consumers engage with posts that embrace the brand personality. When there is an audience interested in the brand, it is possible to segment the audience based on sociodemographic factors, location, etc. In this way, it is easier to identify those false followers and reach more specific users who share the values ​​of your brand to increase interactions and their positioning.

Likewise, if the links of the blog and the corporate website are complemented with publications on social networks, the positioning in search engines improves. A CognitiveSEO study showed that there is a direct relationship between the relevance of a brand’s social networks with its search positioning and, therefore, in the generation of organic traffic. In this sense, a greater number of visits and higher quality is achieved, since they are users who could become potential clients.

In summary, a good social media marketing strategy is essential, since it allows you to:

  • Do branding: you improve the image, reputation and authority of the brand.
  • .Increase interactions with customers and potential customers.
  • Have a better position in search engines.

For this reason, it is not only essential to take into account the importance of social networks for your digital campaign, but you also have to know how to optimize them so that the marketing strategy obtains the highest profitability.

For this reason Las Vegas Metaverse has launched the social networks of Discord and Instagram in order to publicize their Project.