About Las Vegas Metaverse


Las Vegas Metaverse (the Company) is registered in Spain (Europe), tasked with the
development, marketing, and community building functions of the project. Applications running
on a cloud provider (AWS, GCLOUD, AXURE, etc.) integrated into Web3 make up the
backbone of the Las Vegas Metaverse platform development service that includes utilities for mobile
devices, API integration, and third-party data. The Las Vegas Metaverse native token connects the
application layers with an identity and validates the products available within the marketplace.
The possible outcomes are innovative, however, the Las Vegas Metaverse team is taking a calculated
approach to roll out such a product, to establish a solid decentralized marketplace orchestrated
by the guiding principles of the organization.

The organic approach to developing this blockchain network leads to the community of Las Vegas Metaverse Token holders being a diverse field of technology professionals and leaders in
commerce, alongside content professionals.

Some assets or developments of the project may fall outside of the oversight of the project through its decentralized nature, however, the guidance and leadership of the company seek to
steer the marketplace with a global community as the beneficiaries.

We are already in contact with casino streamers around the world to agree on the first partnerships. Casino streamers who work with us will play and stream exclusively at our Las Vegas metaverse casinos. Depending on the programming work that is needed and the regulations/logics within the Las Vegas Metaverse game, there will also be a referral program, which makes our casinos even more attractive to casino streamers and affiliate merchants from all over the world.

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our Casino. Be The House!